Like Counter

by Sofi Apps


not available

If you have a shop, a restaurant, a coffee shop, a lounge bar or any other business with a fan page, simply with a tablet you can display your likes in real time.This idea was born because we were looking for a way to encourage people to follow the business when they were been.You just need to insert your page username, your page name and a message for your customers, and choose your app theme.This app DOES NOT allow you to login on any social network, in fact it never asks e-mail or password.
Features:• Fullscreen app;• Live checking user name;• Customizable pages name [20 characters] and slogan message [40 characters];• Customizable theme;• Animated counter;• Auto QR code generator and URL;• Alert message if the connection drops [Wifi-3G];• No buy in-app;
If you want a custom version contact us: [email protected]